Summary #
Your best, your worst and the basics.
Limited to the 1000 most recent submissions and comments.
redditor since
Jul 03, 2020
4 years, 8 months ago
data available from
Mar 30, 2021
longest period between two consecutive posts
1 month
Dec 06, 2020 to Jan 19, 2021
0 submissions and 0 times from comments
submission karma
39547 from 105 submissions
376.64 average karma per submission
17741 total submission karma reported by reddit
comment karma
5130 from 1000 comments
5.13 average karma per comment
7893 total comment karma reported by reddit
best comment
A former kickboxer known on the internet for being an all-around dickhead (permalink)
worst comment
Not sure why this is getting downvoted. Modern art, while abstract and still very much up to interpretation, is not a talentless medium. It’s a broad spectrum of work (permalink)
best submission
Always thinking ahead (permalink)
worst submission
22 [M4F] #ga #online| Inexperienced virgin for someone to connect with (permalink)
Synopsis #
Accuracy or making sense not guaranteed. Results may be incorrect or misleading.
Uncertain data is in orange. Follow # links for sources.
role reversal relationships
perv xd into the usual suspects #
miscellaneous memes
humor and parody
misconceptions and misinformation