

Last updated 3 days ago

Summary #

Your best, your worst and the basics.

Limited to the 1000 most recent submissions and comments.

redditor since

Mar 29, 2020

4 years, 10 months ago

data available from

Nov 28, 2021

longest period between two consecutive posts

8 months

Nov 29, 2020 to Aug 18, 2021


0 submissions and 0 times from comments

submission karma

198 from 22 submissions

9.0 average karma per submission

586 total submission karma reported by reddit

comment karma

365 from 53 comments

6.89 average karma per comment

289 total comment karma reported by reddit

best comment

Same, I always do exactly halfway (permalink)

worst comment

TLDR: All told, from first request to diagnosis, it took about 1 year including waitlists and waiting for results. The testing itself: less than 1 hour in-person interview and maybe 30-45 minutes on online assessments. Full story: I feel like my assessment proceed was soooo different from what I’ve seen from basically everyone else on here. My insurance actually covered the assessment (which was a recent change from a few years ago when I’d asked and they only covered assessments for children and folks with high-level needs). So I only had to pay the co-pay for my in-person visit. ✨✨ But the part that seems weird/sketchy to me was that the assessor talked to me for less than an hour (was told to expect 1-2 hours for the meeting) and then had me take only 2 tests. I don’t have family to talk about my childhood, but she talked to my roommate (closest to “best friend” and has lived with me for like 6(?) years who did 1 test. When going over my diagnosis she talked about the ADOS portion of our meeting and mentioned the “how do you brush your teeth” which I DISTINCTLY remember her NOT asking because I remember that I’d seen that on here and was expecting it…so…maybe you shoulda spent more than 45 minutes on your assessment 😑 The overall timeline for this. I asked my psychiatrist (love her, super supportive, super compassionate), and she was like “Yeah! I’ll put in the referral.” Got a call from the scheduling people a few days?weeks? (not very long) later and they said they’d call back in 6 months cause of the waitlist. After 6 months, I got an appointment maybe a month or two out. At this point, things get atypical because my insurance’s mental health workers went on strike so the assessor wasn’t working. This pushed back the phone call to my roommate by like 2 months. A few weeks after that I got an email from the assessor saying she has everything she needs and she’ll follow up in 3(!) months to schedule an appointment for the results. She had availability open up for an appointment after about 2 months so I got my results yesterday. (permalink)

best submission

I got my diagnosis!! (permalink)

worst submission

34 [m4A] #California #online - needy masc ftm transman sub for patient, gentle, and communicative Caregiver Dom(me) (permalink)

Synopsis #

Accuracy or making sense not guaranteed. Results may be incorrect or misleading.

Uncertain data is in orange. Follow # links for sources.

you like to play

elder scrolls

you are


things you've said you like

smaller bodies # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

you like to discuss


people in your family

mother # # #

you are in a relationship with your

wife #

you have a

Your top subs #

Earn karma responsibly... ;)

Based on your average karma earnings.

Not enough data for top subs.

Your Top Subs

Best Average Karma

Worst Average Karma

Activity Over Last 60 Days #

Make your fingers bleed.

Darker dots mean more activity. All times in UTC

Activity Timeline #

Further proof that you have no life outside of reddit?

Hover over the circles for more info.

Activity by Weekday #

Bored on reddit? Let's see what's on reddit.

Hover over the bars for more info.

Activity by Time of Day #

Insomniacs of reddit, upvote!

Hover over the bars for more info. All times in UTC

Posts Across Topics #

Look at you, how versatile!

Hover over the chart for more info.

Submissions By Type and Domain #

You're still the master of your domains.

Hover over the chart for more info.

Activity Across Subreddits (by Karma) #

Where might /r/random take you next?

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Activity Across Subreddits (by Posts) #

Where might /r/random take you next?

Hover for more info.

Most Common Words #

A word is worth ten imgur links. True story.

Size of a word is directly proportional to its frequency.

Common Words Table #

A word is worth ten imgur links. True story.

Your word frequency.

Word Frequency
cg 180
make 136
time 118
things 106
good 97
feel 80
open 76
play 72
long 58
days 57
boy 56
day 56
give 55
weight 54
food 54
pics 54
match 54
work 48
person 46
basically 45
lot 43
told 42
part 41
talk 40
body 40
full 38
bad 38
middle 38
online 37
folx 37
def 37
show 37
autism 37
depression 37
read 37
patient 36
interested 36
kinks 36
dominant 36
chores 36
dynamic 36
water 36
temperature 36
gentle 36
activities 36
pizza 36
social 26
super 25
found 23
people 22
point 22
helpful 22
idea 22
call 21
happen 21
hard 21
absolute 20
times 20
parts 20
sad 20
local 20
taking 20
care 20
punishment 20
struggle 20
great 20
regularly 20
hate 19
expecting 19
smaller 19
realistic 19
trust 19
set 19
masc 19
hysterectomy 19
kink 19
permanent 19
denial 19
limit 19
scary 19
tv 19
making 19
sadness 19
ways 19
male 19
helps 19
fairly 19
send 19
works 19
process 19
relationships 19
post 19
late 19
figure 19
regular 19
jake 18
top 18
surgery 18
hormones 18
beard 18
masculine 18
voice 18
clit 18
comfortable 18
misgendering 18
feminization 18
detransitioning 18
meds 18
offer 18
emojis 18
tone 18
intent 18
covers 18
term 18
revolve 18
demisexual 18
engaging 18
sex 18
discussing 18
exploring 18
vag 18
penetration 18
masochistic 18
pain 18
limited 18
spanking 18
sexual 18
bdsm 18
caregiver 18
celebrates 18
guide 18
exact 18
activity 18
proud 18
healthy 18
letting 18
watch 18
pee 18
check 18
eating 18
poop 18
adult 18
measurements 18
temperatures 18
anally 18
urethrally 18
goals 18
encourages 18
heavily 18
relies 18
responsibility 18
decisions 18
shower 18
exercising 18
relaxing 18
stuffie 18
fox 18
named 18
coloring 18
books 18
emotionally 18
tuck 18
night 18
lonely 18
sending 18
nsfw 18
established 18
built 18
videos 18
inspection 18
boys 18
face 18
longer 18
personally 18
identifying 18
info 18
exclusively 18
interaction 18
communication 18
tend 18
clingy 18
definitly 18
strictness 18
parcel 18
rest 18
video 18
games 18
save 18
shave 18
armpits 18
genital 18
hair 18
exercise 18
lose 18
gym 18
membership 18
strengthening 18
approach 18
relinquishing 18
control 18

Corpus Statistics #

If you can't convince them, write more and confuse them.

Time spent calculated using average of 40 WPM.

Your Typing Stats

total words in your posts


unique words

1491 (5.80% of total words)

time spent typing posts

10.71 hours

karma per word
