Summary #
Your best, your worst and the basics.
Limited to the 1000 most recent submissions and comments.
redditor since
Jan 30, 2020
5 years, 1 month ago
data available from
Mar 23, 2021
longest period between two consecutive posts
5 months
Jun 07, 2024 to Nov 14, 2024
0 submissions and 0 times from comments
submission karma
143 from 30 submissions
4.77 average karma per submission
90 total submission karma reported by reddit
comment karma
608 from 199 comments
3.06 average karma per comment
456 total comment karma reported by reddit
best comment
This guy belonged to a small city in Rajasthan, Sri Ganganagar. He was recruited in RAW because of his acting skills. A high ranking Indian army officer saw him performing in a college play and approached him, and ofcourse he said yes. Btw neither the state government or central government ever did anything for his family after he was caught by Pakistan. (permalink)
worst comment
From my personal experience. It’s really hard to convey in a normal setting that someone is into femdom because the reactions usually range from confusion to outright dismissal. It’s still seen as a taboo, which makes open conversations about it difficult. But I’d love to hear your perspective. Do you think femdom is actually accepted here? (permalink)
best submission
Small talk (permalink)
worst submission
Fatherless Child not able to make friends (permalink)
Synopsis #
Accuracy or making sense not guaranteed. Results may be incorrect or misleading.
Uncertain data is in orange. Follow # links for sources.
indian law
nashik-specific discussion
in small town #
bollywood music and songs
india-specific politics
bdsm advice and education
gender and identity