Summary #
Your best, your worst and the basics.
Limited to the 1000 most recent submissions and comments.
redditor since
Aug 17, 2021
3 years, 6 months ago
data available from
Feb 26, 2025
longest period between two consecutive posts
16 hours
Feb 28, 2025 to Mar 01, 2025
1 submissions and 0 times from comments
submission karma
3807 from 211 submissions
18.04 average karma per submission
2601 total submission karma reported by reddit
comment karma
-13 from 200 comments
-0.07 average karma per comment
50437 total comment karma reported by reddit
best comment
Still no one can explain how zoom immediately out of nowhere became the ubiquitous and unique solution for remote work publicised everywhere the day when the lockdowns started, when Skype had the same functionalities, a critical mass of users, was more secure than zoom, and had name recognition big enough that "to Skype" was a verb. I never bothered to reseach seriouly who owns Zoom or how it became suddenly pushed by the medias but my guts tell me there's conspiracy-lite stuff there (permalink)
worst comment
Edit: Allo la Brigade! ♥ Vous êtes des héros, vouloir encore plus d'Ukrainiens morts juste pour vous éviter de la dissonance cognitive Je regarde le live raw. J'arrête pas de jouir, j'en ai mal à la prostate Enfin. Après 3 ans de niaisage, il se le fait caller en pleine face qu'il a mis son pays dans la marde C'est un p'tit calice qui se fait enfin disputer par sa nouvelle belle mère Venez nier après ça que c'est rien qu'un proxy war et de la stupidité (permalink)
best submission
Julien Poulin, interprète d’Elvis Gratton, est décédé (permalink)
worst submission
Un trend amusant sur twitteur: #carneylies (permalink)
Synopsis #
Accuracy or making sense not guaranteed. Results may be incorrect or misleading.
Uncertain data is in orange. Follow # links for sources.
for all mankind
quebec-specific politics
war and conflict reporting