Summary #
Your best, your worst and the basics.
Limited to the 1000 most recent submissions and comments.
redditor since
Oct 30, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago
data available from
Jan 07, 2019
longest period between two consecutive posts
4 months
Jan 14, 2021 to May 17, 2021
0 submissions and 0 times from comments
submission karma
22540 from 91 submissions
247.69 average karma per submission
16628 total submission karma reported by reddit
comment karma
4822 from 298 comments
16.18 average karma per comment
6026 total comment karma reported by reddit
best comment
Really? I have anxiety and I feel like if I dyed my hair it would draw more attention to me which would just increase my anxiety. (permalink)
worst comment
No one is safe from the downvote thread (permalink)
best submission
sorry if this has been done before. My first time on this sub (permalink)
worst submission
Need help with Nsubstitute unit testing (permalink)
Synopsis #
Accuracy or making sense not guaranteed. Results may be incorrect or misleading.
Uncertain data is in orange. Follow # links for sources.
video games
minecraft memes
my little pony mods
web development
ben 10 shows
pewdiepie content
video memes
blursed images memes
father #
socialism and authoritarianism
democratic socialism
girlfriend #
grand strategy games
transportation and infrastructure
anime memes
self-identity and uniqueness